i will BE organized

The Journey to Organization. . the Road to a wannabe Cleanie

Cleaning Wars June 4, 2009

Filed under: Project,Teamwork — mikailani @ 4:31 pm

I try my best to keep hubby in the loop with the cleaning, because I simply can’t do everything by myself. He emailed me about “Cleaning Wars”. Read on.



Artillery Bunkers(Storage):
25% GETTING ARE BUTTS HANDED TO US. Take heed that conquering this battle zone may be key to winning many of the battles.

City of GrubOn (Kitchen) :
90-99% ongoing battle: must maintain militant

Great Lost City of Entertainium (Livingroom):
95-99% ongoing: many battles won, but resistance always builds when neglected

South Shetlands (DS Bathroom: 99%:
Conquered: Our forces definitely have been controlling resistance.(minimal forces needed) but must take heed to whatever may lurk into the battle zone.

Paradise Kingdom (Kailani’s Rm):
98-99% Battle soon to be won: Must prepare and train the Princess with our ways of life (Maintain and organize) to take the win.

Mystery Boroughs (Office): 80-90% Battle soon to be won: We achieved a successful and crucial advance thanks to General Meesh and her 1st Battalion forces, and with the Assistance of General NeO was able to establish new grounds to this mysterious once wasteland. My suggestion is to concentrate a significant surge, and take control.

North Shetlands (UP Bathroom):
90-99%: Conquered: Although this terrain has been conquered we still face various battles with the Laundro’s in the east region (next to sink) and the Scum forces lurking in the swamps (Bathub). As long as Generals Meesh and Neo keep watch, it should remain ours!

The Motherland (Masters): 75-80% With both Generals at war, a civil uprise has begun in the mother lands.The higher powers believe that some justice and order must be resolved, but the challenge is to adapt to the many changes that may arise within the battles we call

Queen Meesha:
HP 900/1000 STR: 75/100 SKILL: 150/100 (+50: Master of Organizing) Notes: Decendant of the OCD Clan, Must travel long journey’s to defend her kingdom, maintaining her training regime with the Princess, and assuming all greater positions brings her str down.

King NeO:
HP 750/1000 STR 150/100 (+50: BRUTE FORCE ability) Skill 200/100 (+100 Jack of all trades-Master of nothing) Notes: Decendant of the World’s Finest, but an evil force (Rossmoor) has limited his ability to commit to many battles.

Princess Kailani:
HP: 500/500 STR:50/50 Skill: 75/50 (+25: Offspring of The Queen) Notes: Decendant of the Queen and Sole air to the Kingdom. A true OCDian at heart. Many instances have been noted of her keen sense of her abilities. BUT, she must not be left to wander, for the forces of Comcastian and OnDemandana easily distract her.

*** whatever keeps him happy makes me happy. Apparently his standards are way lower than mine. I was thinking every room is at least 60%. More work on me? Possibly.